
Kafka as a Message Queue - can you do it, and should you do it?

This talk has been (or will be) presented at:

Using Kafka's offset commit mechanism we can implement a message processing system with at-least-once delivery guarantees. However, we can only acknowledge processing of all messages up to a given point (offset). That’s very often enough, but not always.

Sometimes we need selective, out-of-order message acknowledgments, like in a “traditional” message queue. If a message is not acknowledged for a given period of time, it should be re-delivered. Can this be implemented on top of Kafka? Sure! (By the way: this is similar to how Amazon’s SQS works.)

In the talk I’ll describe the architecture and implementation of a message queue built on Kafka: kmq. We’ll go through two crucial components: the queue client and the message redelivery tracker. There will be some live coding, some slides, and a couple of demos.

We’ll also look at the performance (which is surprisingly good) & latency, as well as possible problems that using such an approach can cause, such as “error-flooding”.

Kmq is open-source and available at



If you want to dig deeper and compare characteristics of Kafka and other message queues read this article: Evaluating persistent, replicated message queues.

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