Secure, Scalable Applications with Angular

Angular sets the industry standard with secure, scalable architecture. It's trusted for building robust, modern applications.

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Angular forms the core

  • Complete and Robust Application Framework

    Angular is a comprehensive framework with built-in solutions for routing, data fetching and advanced, dynamic forms. It covers everything needed for a robust application, providing a solid foundation from the start.

  • Reliable and Consistent Development Patterns

    Angular adheres to well-established patterns for a wide range of common problems, ensuring consistency and reliability. This makes it easier for developers familiar with Angular to quickly understand and contribute to your project.

  • Reactive Programming for Real-Time Applications

    Angular leverages RxJS to expertly manage events and data streams, making it particularly well-suited for real-time data processing. This reactive approach not only enhances the responsiveness of your applications but also ensures efficient handling of ongoing data streams.

  • Comprehensive Security Solutions Integrated

    Angular includes built-in security mechanisms such as sanitization, Content Security Policy (CSP) and Trusted Types providing robust defenses against cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks and other vulnerabilities from the ground up.

  • Rx Playground

    In this interactive demo, you'll learn the core concepts and operations of reactive programming using the power of RxJS and three.js!


    • IT


    • Rx.js
    • Three.js