Custom software by true engineers, you see the results after each iteration
Reliable systems architecture
We are binding business with system architecture. By taking care of the entire programming life cycle when creating a data-intensive applications that are tailored to your industry-specific goals.
High throughput systems
Efficient implementations of high throughput applications. We scale your business through software: conducting digital transformation, implementing event sourcing and creating data processing pipelines.
Advanced web applications
Our self-sufficient development teams are able to quickly approach complex business domains. We build on the traditional engineering work ethics and values, which translate directly to the quality of our systems.
Full stack custom software development
Effective service oriented and event driven solutions. We specialize in Java, Scala, Akka, the Lightbend Reactive Platform, Kafka, Spark, TensorFlow, SQL & NoSQL databases: PostgreSQL, Cassandra, Mongo, Node.js and React.
Our portfolio speaks for itself.
High-performance SMS broker
Allowing for reliable delivery of hundreds of messages per second and developing an app that enables checking the billing status.
Real Estate
Real Estate Investment System
Refactoring large parts of an old system to DDD-like architecture to achieve easily extendable, well-tested, and lowly coupled components.
Debt Resolution System
Augmenting the client’s team with expertise in fields like Scala, Akka, Cassandra, PostgreSQL, Angular, to make major architecture improvements and build new features in a debt resolution system.
E-Book: Hello we are SoftwareMill - Ebook