Learn programming by drawing - or just draw if you already know how to code! Shelly is a programming language for drawing. Drawing is done by issuing instructions to a turtle. The turtle draws lines and shapes as it moves, using various colors and styles.
This service allows you to follow satellite's data received by the PW-Sat2 team and amateur radio people from all over the world!
CLIENT HAD: Pw-Sat 2 is the second satellite designed by members of Students’ Space Association to test out a new and innovative technology of satellite’s deorbitation. CLIENT NEEDED: As one of the project partners, SoftwareMill is responsible for building a Ground Station software solution to ease out communication with the satellite, data gathering and building different testing scenarios executed on the satellite once its deployed in orbit. WE DID: Ground Station software consists of two modules: Modem-Connector library for communicating with AGWPE enabled modem software and web based solution (PWSat-GS) for data gathering and command processing needs. OUTCOME: Easy to use software for satellite’s data management, mission log storage and command processing allowing project members and HAM radio amateurs around the globe to analyze and submit communication data.
Scalar Conference 2017 application for attendees. Scalar is the biggest conference on Scala language in central Europe. Organised since 2014 is gathering developers from all over the (functional) world.
Meerkat aims to provide a ready-to-deploy configuration based on OpenTelemetry for JVM applications. The Observability Starter Kit is designed to be easily implemented and extended to meet specific observability needs. This starter kit is intended for Developers and DevOps professionals who wish to implement observability into their JVM-based applications using Kubernetes. Future plans include extending the configuration to additional platforms beyond Kubernetes, such as AWS ECS.
The 2010s were a decade of great innovation, driven by the rise of data and acceleration in IT and technology. Together with our software engineers, we hand-picked the most important milestones and interesting events that have, in our opinion, changed the way we live significantly.
Apache Kafka is a distributed event streaming platform. Using the tool below you can simulate how data flows through a replicated Kafka topic, to gain a better understanding of the message processing model.