
Project Loom meets Quarkus

Rafał Wokacz

08 Mar 2023.11 minutes read

Project Loom meets Quarkus webp image

Project Loom has been introduced with Java 19 as a Preview.

The premise of Loom is :

“(..) to drastically reduce the effort of writing, maintaining, and observing high-throughput concurrent applications that make the best use of available hardware”

Ron Pressler, May 2020

We will need to wait for some time until Loom gets out of Preview and hits full release. However, since it is already available, the Quarkus team decided to give it a try in Version 2.10.0 Final. Thanks to their preliminary work on virtual threads, we can experience Loom using more complex examples.

This blog post introduces Project Loom and Quarkus and gives instructions on running applications on Quarkus with Postgres utilizing virtual threads. It also includes results from load tests performed on said application.

Why Project Loom

The standard way of handling parallel and concurrency computations in Java is to use threads.

Java’s way of threading boils down to utilizing operating system threads. It means that each thread created in the VM has its system thread executing the method, respectively. This also means that the OS is responsible for running threads.

No matter what, each thread occupies memory and craves CPU time. Considering multitasking in an OS with a multicore CPU, all of the threads must compete over access to the hardware resources. This leads to many problems that must be resolved to effectively use the multitasking concept, thread locking, thread scheduling, synchronization, to name a few.

Java Threads have been available since the beginning of Java. Throughout the years, they were evolving and adapting to new hardware possibilities. Starting with Green Threads they quickly became platform threads by default, only to expand to the Concurrency API introduced in Java 1.5. Since then Java threading, with its Future, ExecutorService, ForkJoinPool, Concurrent_ maps, and many more, has matured.

However, the world of it-tech has bigger and bigger demands for computing power, as time goes by. The quality of many software systems is measured by high throughput. This demands as much optimized utilization of resources as possible, in the shortest possible time.

For all the servers that must handle an increased workload, this is a delicate balance between a number of threads competing for resources and being responsive in a timely manner.

A thread pool with a small number of threads can be overloaded with a big queue of requests. Having too many threads in the pool that are idle will block OS thread resources that other processes could use.

Brian Goetz in his book "Java Concurrency in Practice" recommends the formula to calculate a number of threads in the pool:

Number of threads = Number of CPUs * Target CPU utilization * (1 + Wait time / Compute time)

However that does not resolve the problem. It is just a way to measure, not guess.

Creating new threads in JVM is relatively expensive. The process includes creating a java stack, a system stack, system calls, and callbacks. It is more expensive compared to creating ‘standard’ objects, especially when a given server wants to handle multiple short-lived requests where for each request a new thread would be created. It doesn’t matter in a development environment but it plays a crucial role in high throughput production.

Why care about Loom

Project Loom aims to mitigate or solve said problems by introducing virtual threads.

The idea behind this is to create a Java Thread that is not attached to the platform thread. This virtual thread does not occupy OS resources and CPU until it needs to do so. Thus the platform thread can be utilized by other tasks. However, when there is a long-running, CPU-intensive thread then it will pin to the platform thread and create a bottleneck. This is because virtual threads are not faster than standard threads. They optimize the utilization of platform threads.

Virtual threads solve high throughput demands that can’t be solved by standard threads due to the limit of CPU cores. They are not designed to speed up computation and gain low latency.

Java platform threads are scheduled by the operating system, whereas virtual threads are scheduled by JDK. This scheduler assigns virtual threads to platform threads in many-to-many manners. This is illustrated in the following picture.

jdk virtual thread scheduler

The next sections describe how to experience virtual threads in action by implementing a Quarkus application that undergoes load tests with a different setup.

The full source code of this application may be found at github.

Quarkus and virtual threads

Quarkus is a Java stack developed with cloud deployment in mind. It promises fast startup and a low memory footprint. It is Kubernetes-friendly and allows applications to be run on OpenJDK HotSpot and GraalVM. Quarkus supports both imperative and reactive programming, whereas the former is implemented natively using Netty and Mutiny.


This sample application is based on tools that need to be installed before going further:

  • Java OpenJDK HotSpot 19
  • Docker
  • Quarkus
  • siege - regression test and benchmark utility

Init sample application

Start with Quarkus app initialization

quarkus create app loom-quarkus


Additional libraries must be added to the Maven dependencies.

quarkus-agroal, quarkus-jdbc-postgresql, quarkus-reactive-pg-client are data source libraries handling blocking and nonblocking connections respectivelly.

quarkus-resteasy-reactive-jackson allows creating REST services with JSON responses.


Enable virtual threads

Virtual threads that come with Java19 are disabled by default. One must explicitly tell Java to activate them. This can be done by using the parameter –enable-preview in the Maven configuration file. Also, set the release version to 19.


Data source configuration

Quarkus comes with Dev Services that ease the development process. One of the options is to provision and configure the Postgresql database automatically. This way Quarkus takes care of data source configuration, both blocking and nonblocking. This is fair enough for this sample application.

Enable database dev services in


REST Service

This service shows how to use virtual threads. By default, Quarkus runs services with a reactive approach, thus it is necessary to configure the service with the fine-grained setup using @Blocking, @NonBlocking, and @UseVirtualThreads annotations.

public class LoomSandboxResource {

    BlogpostsRepository repository;

    public LoomSandboxResource(BlogpostsRepository repository) {
        this.repository = repository;

    public List<Blogpost> blogPostsBlockingJDBC() {
        return repository.findAllJdbc();

    public List<Blogpost> blogPostsLoomJdbc() {
        return repository.findAllJdbc();

Data repository

For purposes of this application, a single repository is used. However, this repository utilizes both blocking AgroalDataSource and non-blocking PgPool data sources.

public class BlogpostsRepository {
    final PgPool client; //This is nonblocking postgres driver
    final AgroalDataSource agroalDataSource; //This is standard blocking postgres driver
    private final String SELECT_ALL = "SELECT * FROM blogposts";

    public BlogpostsRepository(final PgPool client, final AgroalDataSource agroalDataSource) {
        this.client = client;
        this.agroalDataSource = agroalDataSource;

    public List<Blogpost> findAllJdbc() {
        var quotesList = new ArrayList<Blogpost>();
        try (Connection connection = agroalDataSource.getConnection();
            PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(SELECT_ALL);
            ResultSet resultSet = preparedStatement.executeQuery();) {
            while ( {
        } catch (SQLException e) {
        return quotesList;

    public Uni<List<Blogpost>> findAllReactiveUni() {
        return client.query(SELECT_ALL)

    public Multi<Blogpost> findAllReactiveMulti() {
        return client.query(SELECT_ALL)
                .onItem().transformToMulti(set -> Multi.createFrom().iterable(set))

Running the application

The simplest way to run this application is to use Quarkus cli

%>quarkus dev

It should print output similar to the following:

quarkus output

At this point, the application should be up and connected to a dockerized Postgresql database.

Importing sample data

Let’s import sample data in order to perform some tests and see that the application is making connections to the database.

Data can be downloaded from github. This file should be copied to the main/resources/ directory.

Next, let’s create an InitDb class responsible for pulling data from the main/resources/sample-data.json and uploading this data into the database.

This class will reinitialize the db schema every time the application starts to ensure every test is working exactly on the same set.

public class InitDb {
    boolean schemaCreate;
    final PgPool client;

    public InitDb(@ConfigProperty(name = "blogposts.schema.create", defaultValue = "true") boolean schemaCreate,
                PgPool client) {
        this.schemaCreate = schemaCreate;
        this.client = client;

    void config(@Observes StartupEvent ev) {
        if (schemaCreate) {

    private void run() {
        List<Tuple> batch = prepareData();
        client.query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS blogposts").execute()
                .flatMap(r -> client.query("CREATE TABLE blogposts (id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, author VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL, content TEXT NOT NULL , tags VARCHAR(256))").execute())
        client.preparedQuery("INSERT INTO blogposts (author, content, tags) VALUES ($1, $2, $3)")


    private List<Tuple> prepareData() {
        try {
            InputStream in = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/sample-data.json");
            String result = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in))

            ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
            TypeReference<List<Blogpost>> documentMapType =
                    new TypeReference<>() {

            var document = mapper.readValue(result, documentMapType);

            return -> Tuple.of(, i.content(), i.tags())).toList();

        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

Restarted application should be populated with sample data. We can verify it by sending requests to one of its urls: http://localhost:8080/sandbox/blocking/jdbc .


The aim of the tests was to verify how the application will utilize CPU, memory and threads during the load tests and if there is any difference between using the platform and virtual threads.

The test environment:

  • Number of cores/threads in CPU - 10/10
  • 64 GB RAM
  • Postgresql running in Docker
  • Quarkus app running in dev mode on Java OpenSDK Hot Spot 19

Siege was used as the test framework. It is a simple command line tool, with a clear summary that is enough for the purposes of these tests.

Each test sends 1000 requests with a 1s delay before each request.
Every response contains around 1.2MiB of JSON data.

Thread pool limit 10

In this scenario thread pool limit and vertx worker pool size were both set to 10 threads.

Also, the db connections min and max size were adjusted to minimize data loss.

quarkus.datasource.jdbc.min-size = 60
quarkus.datasource.jdbc.max-size = 90

Siege test results

virtual threadsplatform threads
Elapsed time12,3810,94sec
Average response time7,564,11sec
Transaction rate80,7891,41trans/sec

max platform threads

Memory and CPU consumption 

memory usage

Thread pool limit 100

In this scenario thread pool limit and vertx worker pool size were both set to 100 threads.

Also db connections min and max size were adjusted to minimize data loss.

quarkus.datasource.jdbc.min-size = 60
quarkus.datasource.jdbc.max-size = 90

Siege test results

virtual threadsplatform threads
Elapsed time12,0210,50sec
Average response time6,894,07sec
Transaction rate83,1995,24trans/sec

max platform threads

Memory and CPU consumption

memory consumption 100

Thread pool limit 300

In this scenario thread pool limit and vertx worker pool size were both set to 300 threads.

Siege test results

virtual threadsplatform threads
Elapsed time12,0710,23sec
Average response time6,993,92sec
Transaction rate82,8597,75trans/sec

max 300 platform threads

Memory and CPU consumption

memory usage 300

Thread pool limit 10 and long running task

This test is about observing how virtual threads handle long-running tasks compared to platform threads. The original BlogpostsRepository needs to be altered with Thread.sleep() in order to simulate a long-running task. This way each request will be locked for 2 seconds before returning the value.

public List<Blogpost> findAllJdbc() {
        var quotesList = new ArrayList<Blogpost>();
        try (Connection connection = agroalDataSource.getConnection();
            PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(SELECT_ALL);
            ResultSet resultSet = preparedStatement.executeQuery();) {
            while ( {
        } catch (SQLException e) {
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        return quotesList;

Siege test results

virtual threadsplatform threads
Elapsed time13,34213,81sec
Average response time8,15106,56sec
Transaction rate74,964,68trans/sec

max 10 platform threads,%202%20sec%20sleep

Memory and CPU consumption

memory usage 10 threads 2 sec sleep 20


At first glance, looking at the test results, it seems that virtual threads do not differ much from platform threads in terms of performance. However, the first two tests show that the bigger the thread pool, the better performance in platform threads, whereas virtual threads keep up on the same level, more or less. Moreover, the test with the thread pool size set to 300 presents an even better performance in favor of the platform threads. Thus why even bother about virtual threads if they are less performant and additionally they consume twice as much heap memory as the other ones?

The last test shows the true power of virtual threads. If we take a closer look at the results, we will find that with the thread pool set to 10, the platform threads are having a hard time serving all the long-running requests. It took them more than 200 seconds to complete. In the meantime, the virtual threads turn out to be lightning fast, with a finish time of 13 seconds.

This is possible due to the non-blocking nature of virtual threads. They do not pin to the platform thread when there is no need to. Therefore platform thread can handle other requests leading to high throughput.

This is very promising, but we need to keep in mind that Loom is very young, and we have yet to learn all the pitfalls.

I think that programmers won’t use Loom directly on a daily basis. It is more about when the vast number of libraries and frameworks will implement support for Loom.

On the contrary, it may also spark new projects that support Loom from the ground up, and we will see some shift in library usage, at least in the world of microservices where high throughput is crucial.

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