Observability Services

Maximize the potential of your data: efficiently process, present, and analyze it with our Observability tools and services.

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See what our Observability experts can do for you

  • Application monitoring deployment

    Understand the metrics, logs, and all the data your application generates and ensure its stability. We deploy cost-effective monitoring solutions that will regularly provide you with valuable insights.

  • Fine-tuning and cost optimization of existing stacks

    Optimize your observability tools and processes. With our fine-tuning services, you eliminate unnecessary expenses while improving the efficiency of your data collection, storage, and analysis.

  • Cloud and on-premise monitoring

    Gain seamless monitoring across cloud and on-premise environments. We use Grafana and OpenTelemetry to help you collect and visualize data from diverse sources, providing comprehensive and consistent monitoring no matter where your applications are deployed.

  • Unified observability solution

    Unify your observability infrastructure and have a single dashboard for comprehensive environmental visibility. We can simplify your monitoring processes without compromising quality and efficiency.

  • Readable dashboards

    Get an intuitive, user-friendly dashboard that displays key metrics in an easily understandable format. Identify issues quickly, understand system behavior, and get real-time data, including info from Java Virtual Machine (JVM) environments and Kubernetes clusters.

  • Meerkat

    Use our Observability Starter Kit, Meerkat, to implement observability into your JVM-based applications using Kubernetes with ease. We offer a ready-to-deploy configuration that lowers the barrier to integrating observability features into new and existing projects.