Using shapeless' HLists for extra type safety (in Akka Streams)

Mikołaj Koziarkiewicz

29 Sep 2016.10 minutes read


Shapeless is probably the most known "intermediate-level" Scala library.
Or, rather, the most notorious one. Scala devs usually encounter it when
growing impatient with creating various data type conversion boilerplate -
from tuples to case classes, from tuples to different tuples etc.

And that's where the aforementioned notoriety comes in - the library makes
extensive use of Scala's type system, and that's plainly visible
throughout the documentation.
This can be pretty intimidating for the uninitiated, and put them off taking
advantage of shapeless.

Which is a shame, since the library is well-designed, and requires basically
no understanding of type-level "magic" to use effectively.

In fact, if you have not used shapeless until now, I urge you to take a look
now at the alluded-to tuple operations
and case-class conversions,
as those are almost guaranteed to be useful to a Scala dev at some point.
Only once you do, come back to this article.


The workhorse of shapeless is the HList type, or Heterogeneous List.

As the name suggests, it's a list data type that stores heterogeneous elements,
i.e. ones of different types.

The trick here, however, is that a HList also preserves the type of each element
within its own type signature. Here's a quick demonstration:

val normalList = 1 :: "SomeString" :: true :: Nil
normalList: List[Any] = List(1, SomeString, true)

import shapeless._ 
val hList = 1 :: "SomeString" :: true :: HNil 
hList: Int :: String :: Boolean :: HNil = 1 :: SomeString :: true :: HNil

Two things happening here that are worth mention:

  1. The HLists are created similarly to "normal" Lists:
    • the process is started by consing to HNil, just like with List's Nil,
    • elements are added via a cons :: operator.
  2. The types are indeed preserved ( Int :: String :: Boolean :: HNil vs List[Any] in our example).

It is readily apparent that HLists are a powerful construct. In fact, they
are usually too powerful for usual purposes - it does not make sense to
introduce them as, say, a general replacement for collection types, precisely
due to the type strictness they introduce.

Because of that, you usually see them as part of the various abstractions
shapeless uses. However, HList aren't solely an academic curiosity -
they can be harnessed by the library's end users in some specific cases.

Trying to preserving type information

Let's start with a practical problem first. We want to create an Akka Streams graph
that takes from a source, and "parses" the data in several different ways, in parallel.

So, the initial program looks like this (for a stream of Strings):

object types {
  type Data = String
  type ProcessingFlow = Flow[Data, Data, _]

object Main extends App {

  implicit val system = ActorSystem()
  implicit val m = ActorMaterializer()

  val metaFlow: ProcessingFlow = ??? //placeholder for our flow

  val resultList = Source.apply(List("1", "2", "3", "4")).via(metaFlow)

  println(Await.result(resultList, Duration.Inf))



An additional complication exists - we are using preexisting components in the definitions.
Those components form complementary pairs, one for "parsing" the data item, the other
for "processing" it.

Let's define a specification type for that, and some example implementations:

trait ParserStageDef[T] {
  def parser: Data => T
  def processor: T => Data

val decorator: ParserStageDef[String] = new ParserStageDef[String] {
  def parser = identity
  def processor = i => "|"+i+"|"

val incrementer: ParserStageDef[Int] = new ParserStageDef[Int] {
  def parser = _.toInt
  def processor = i => (i + 1).toString

OK, let's now implement our metaFlow. Graphically, it would like this:

which leads us to the following code representation attempt:

val specs = List(decorator,incrementer)
val specSize = specs.length

val metaFlow = GraphDSL.create() { implicit builder =>
  import GraphDSL.Implicits._

  val broadcast = builder.add(Broadcast[Data](specsSize))
  val merge = builder.add(Merge[Data](specsSize))

  //glue for the ParserStageDefs => Flow[Data].map(s.parser).map(s.processor))
                    .foreach(broadcast ~> _ ~> merge)

  FlowShape(, merge.out)

However, when we try to compile it, we would get:

[error]  type mismatch;
[error]  found   : (some other)scala.scala._1 => types.Data
            (which expands to)  (some other)scala.scala._1 => String
[error]  required: scala.scala._1 => ?

What's going on?

A limitation

The problem lies in the fact that the type information in our specs list is not preserved.
Or rather, not preserved the way we want to - the type of the List elements is ParserStageDef[_ >: Int with String],
so the lowest common supertype for our decorator and incrementer.

The above implies that, when mapping between the parser and processor elements, the compiler has no way to provide
the actual type T that's used within the given spec

Of course, you might immediately try to create a generic method, replacing ... with something like:

def toFlowSimple[T](f: ParserStageDef[T]) = 
        Flow[Data].map(f.parser).map(f.processor) ~> _ ~> merge)

but this will fail as well, albeit with a more specific message that tells us the same thing:

[error] polymorphic expression cannot be instantiated to expected type;
[error]  found   : [T]ParserStageDef[T] => 
[error]     (which expands to)  [T]ParserStageDef[T] => 
[error]  required: ParserStageDef[_ >: Int with String] => ?

A solution

Here's where HLists come to the rescue. Because they preserve the complete type information for each element,
it's possible to define our flow very similarly to our last attempt.

First, let's replace our list with an HList:

import shapeless.ops.hlist._
import shapeless._

val specs = decorator :: incrementer :: HNil
val specsSize = specs.length.toInt

Now, for the mapping from ParserStageDefs into Flows, we need to take a different approach, as the map for HList
requires something called Poly - a polymorphic function value.

Here's how one would look like in our case:

import shapeless.PolyDefns.~>
object toFlow extends (ParserStageDef ~> ProcessingFlow) {
  override def apply[T](f: ParserStageDef[T]) = 

For it to work, we'll also have change ProcessingFlow to type ProcessingFlow[_] = Flow[Data, Data, _], since the polymorphic
function above expects a higher-kinded type.

Now, our central statement turns out to be:

//we convert to a List[ProcessingFlow[_]] for simplicity ~> _ ~> merge)

and we're all set!

Here's the full code:

import{ActorMaterializer, FlowShape}
import{Broadcast, Flow, GraphDSL, Merge, Sink, Source}
import shapeless._

import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import types.{Data, ProcessingFlow}

object types {
  type Data = String
  type ProcessingFlow[_] = Flow[Data, Data, _]

object ListPlay extends App {
  val decorator: ParserStageDef[String] = new ParserStageDef[String] {
    def parser = identity
    def processor = i => "|"+i+"|"

  val incrementer: ParserStageDef[Int] = new ParserStageDef[Int] {
    def parser = _.toInt
    def processor = i => (i + 1).toString

  val specs = decorator :: incrementer :: HNil
  val specsSize = specs.length.toInt

  val metaFlow = GraphDSL.create() { implicit builder =>
    import GraphDSL.Implicits._

    val broadcast = builder.add(Broadcast[Data](specsSize))
    val merge = builder.add(Merge[Data](specsSize)) ~> _ ~> merge)

    FlowShape(, merge.out)

  implicit val system = ActorSystem()
  implicit val m = ActorMaterializer()

  val resultList = Source.apply(List("1", "2", "3", "4")).via(metaFlow)

  println(Await.result(resultList, Duration.Inf))


import shapeless.PolyDefns.~>
object toFlow extends (ParserStageDef ~> ProcessingFlow) {
  override def apply[T](f: ParserStageDef[T]) = 

trait ParserStageDef[T] {
  def parser: Data => T
  def processor: T => Data

Which outputs, as expected:

Vector(|1|, 2, |2|, 3, |3|, 4, |4|, 5)

One more step


Inlining the creation is nice for starters, but our metaFlow definition grew a bit long,
so it would be conformant to good practice to encapsulate it in a separate method.

Let's start with a naive approach, by simply defining it as parametrized on an HList, and
see where it goes from there:

val metaFlow = buildGraph(specs)


def buildGraph[T <: HList](specs: T) = {
  val specsSize = specs.runtimeLength

  GraphDSL.create() { implicit builder =>
    import GraphDSL.Implicits._

    val broadcast = builder.add(Broadcast[Data](specsSize))
    val merge = builder.add(Merge[Data](specsSize)) ~> _ ~> merge)

    FlowShape(, merge.out)

And, as suspected, we get an error:

[error]     could not find implicit value for parameter mapper: 
[error] ~> _ ~> merge)

What's going on?

The esoteric ops

In general, shapeless HLists are pretty much bare-bone data types. All auxiliary functionality
is contained in various implicits in the shapeless.ops.hlist object.

Previously, we had everything inline, allowing for the implicit to correctly resolve - the type "shape" of the
HList was fully compile-time-known during the map step. Now that type information is not present, so we need to be more explicit.

Let's do as the compiler says and change the signature to:

def buildGraph[T <: HList](specs: T)(implicit m: Mapper[toFlow.type, T])

but that still leaves us with:

[error]     could not find implicit value for parameter toTraversableAux: 
[error] ~> _ ~> merge)
[error]                       ^

Obviously, we need to define an implicit for another helper. However, we can't just blindly follow the compiler's message,
since that will result in:

[error]      illegal dependent method type: parameter may only be referenced 
             in a subsequent parameter section

referring to the m.Out type restriction. It looks like we're stuck, since
Scala allows only one implicit parameter list per definition .

Making ops mutually friendly

Fortunately, as this Stack Overflow answer nicely explains, the operation types in shapeless
expose the "output" type parameters, allowing us to create a sensible binding.

Here's our final signature:

def buildGraph[T <: HList, Mapped <: HList](specs: T)
                (implicit m: Mapper.Aux[toFlow.type, T, Mapped],
                 t: ToTraversable.Aux[Mapped, List, ProcessingFlow[_]]) = {

What's going on here is that map and toList are using their respective op helpers
to perform the actual work.

To clarify the situation visually, here's a diagram demonstrating the
data flow (method calls are in green):

As you can see, both op helpers have applyies that are called with the appropriate type signature.

To Aux or not to Aux

Some readers might have noticed that we've switched from Mapper to Mapper.Aux at one point (while
also using ToTraversible.Aux instead of ToTraversible).

As the name suggests, the Aux types are utility aliases that allow for a more concise representation
of the helpers. For example, the Mapper.Aux signature looks like this:

type Aux[HF, In <: HList, Out0 <: HList] = Mapper[HF, In] { type Out = Out0 }

In other words, using Aux simply lets us write a more compact method definition, by moving the Out
type redefinition to a third, additional, type parameter.

OK, we've explained what's going on, now why is all this necessary?

Consequences of type-wrangling

Note that:

  • we've exposed the "output" type of Mapper by aliasing it into the new Mapped parameter,
  • we've set the last ToTraversable.Aux's parameter to ProcessingFlow[_].

The last one, combined with the toFlow's signature is what actually restricts the "shape" of the HList provided
in buildGraph's argument only to ones that contain ProcessingFlow[_] elements. In fact, now, if we do something like this:

val specs = decorator :: incrementer :: 2 :: HNil

we will get a compile-time error.

Final full code

import{ActorMaterializer, FlowShape}
import{Broadcast, Flow, GraphDSL, Merge, Sink, Source}
import shapeless.ops.hlist._
import shapeless._

import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import types.{Data, ProcessingFlow}

object types {
  type Data = String
  type ProcessingFlow[_] = Flow[Data, Data, _]

object ListPlay extends App {

  val decorator: ParserStageDef[String] = new ParserStageDef[String] {
    def parser = identity
    def processor = i => "|"+i+"|"

  val incrementer: ParserStageDef[Int] = new ParserStageDef[Int] {
    def parser = _.toInt
    def processor = i => (i + 1).toString

  val specs = decorator :: incrementer :: HNil

  val metaFlow = buildGraph(specs)

  implicit val system = ActorSystem()
  implicit val m = ActorMaterializer()

  val resultList = Source.apply(List("1", "2", "3", "4")).via(metaFlow)

  println(Await.result(resultList, Duration.Inf))


  def buildGraph[T <: HList, Mapped <: HList](specs: T)
                  (implicit m: Mapper.Aux[toFlow.type, T, Mapped],
                   t: ToTraversable.Aux[Mapped, List, ProcessingFlow[_]]) = {

    val specsSize = specs.runtimeLength

    GraphDSL.create() { implicit builder =>
      import GraphDSL.Implicits._

      val broadcast = builder.add(Broadcast[Data](specsSize))
      val merge = builder.add(Merge[Data](specsSize)) ~> _ ~> merge)

      FlowShape(, merge.out)


import shapeless.PolyDefns.~>
object toFlow extends (ParserStageDef ~> ProcessingFlow) {
  override def apply[T](f: ParserStageDef[T]) = 

trait ParserStageDef[T] {
  def parser: Data => T
  def processor: T => Data

And here are the essential SBT settings:

scalaVersion := "2.11.8"

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"com.chuusai" %% "shapeless" % "2.3.2",
"com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-stream" % "2.4.10"

Comments and conclusions

As already said in the introduction, shapeless' HLists aren't really the most immediately beneficial element to the library.

Nevertheless, like others, I've wondered what are the practical uses of this ADT
(beyond the utility role outlined in the answers linked above), and I hope it was interesting to see one scenario where HLists
are indeed useful intrinsically, and independently.

PS. For learning more about the general aspects and functionality of shapeless,
check out Valentin Kasas' presentation at this year's Scalar.

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