Akka Streams for Kafka. A piece of history
Since December 2014 Krzysztof Ciesielski has been working on an Akka Streams connector for Apache Kafka (described here: 1, 2, 3, 4). Now, the library has become an official part of the ecosystem. The project obtained support from the Lightbend Akka Team, and the community.
The 0.11 release of Akka Streams for Kafka (a.k.a Reactive Kafka) was the topic of an interview for Lightbend. Markus Eisele asked Krzysztof about his work, passion for coding and the role of community in building Open Source software.
In the interview, Chris discusses various developments, and tips his hand about the future of the project. The full article is available on Lightbend's blog.
Curious about Akka Streams Kafka? Want to join in? Feel welcome to contribute: GitHub repo; Gitter channel.